MAN ES stresses need for common NH3 standards


Source: MAN Energy Solutions

MAN Energy Solutions is understood to have expressed concern to IACS, the International Association of Classification Societies, about the lack of a set of unified requirements relating to ammonia-fuelled engines and their supporting infrastructure.

Bjarne Foldager, Head of 2-stroke at MAN Energy Solutions told The Motorship noted that there was a strong need for IACS to establish a common playing field between the different classification societies involved in ammonia-fuelled vessel projects.

“The negative consequences of a failure to do so would be that the different classes set different standards, creating a risk that the classes might compete allowing projects to meet the lowest common denominator.”

Foldager warned that the risks of a lowest common denominator effect extended beyond potential safety risks, and potentially threatened ammonia’s future acceptance and success as a fuel for decarbonisation.

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