Accelleron e-fuel survey indicates varying degrees of e-fuel preparedness

Infographic E-Fuel Survey_EN

Source: Accelleron

Accelleron has published the results of a survey of 200 maritime decision-makers drawn from ship owners and operators. The results indicate that ship owners and operators believe that fuels produced from renewable sources, including biomethane, synthetic methane, and other e-fuels will be more important to shipping’s climate goals than any other fuel.

The ‘E-Fuels in the Shipping Industry’ survey, conducted by market researcher mo’web and commissioned by Accelleron, identifies the huge potential and some of the key challenges that ship owners and operators face as they deploy alternative fuels to meet industry targets of climate neutrality by 2050.

Around 93% of maritime companies see e-fuels – potentially climate-neutral fuels made using renewable electricity - as making a decisive contribution to more sustainable shipping. A similar number (92%) believe e-fuels can make a significant contribution to reducing shipping’s global CO2 emissions, far outranking alternatives including biofuels (69%), LNG (60%), fossil-derived hydrogen (52%) and fossil fuels combined with carbon capture (32%).

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