WinGD early testing of its X-DF-A ammonia-fuelled engine

ammonia powered ship

Swiss marine engine manufacturer WinGD has achieved successful early testing of its X-DF-A ammonia-fuelled engine, with key parameters meeting expectations.

A 52-bore single-cylinder version of the engine is currently operating at the company’s Engine Research and Innovation Centre (ERIC) in Winterthur, with final validation scheduled ahead of the first engine deliveries in June 2025.

The single-cylinder testing phase enables rapid validation of the ammonia combustion system under engine conditions, while also allowing optimisation of emissions and performance. This stage follows earlier combustion tests, validation of critical systems on dedicated test rigs, and the receipt of multiple class approvals for the safety concept. A multi-cylinder engine test at WinGD’s Global Research Centre in Shanghai will soon validate the full-scale engine, turbocharger configuration, and control system in preparation for production.

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