Emissions Reduction Technology – Page 3

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    Mix of existing and new solutions could manage ammonia emissions


    The Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping (MMMCZCS) has published a paper Managing emissions from ammonia-fueled vessels explaining the need for multiple different treatment technologies to manage emissions. 

  • 273744_thumbnail_CMA_CGM_first_call_service_ship_at_Oakland_-Photo-Port-of-Oakland

    Methane slip reduction project targets Wärtsilä large bore engine platform


    New advanced combustion technology designed to reduce methane slip is being developed for Wärtsilä’s large bore engine platform after earlier success with smaller engines.

  • Marc Sima, ceo FuelSave

    Nanotech Key To EGR and CO2 Reduction Advances


    FuelSave, the Germany-based technology developer behind the FuelSave+ combustion optimisation product, is in the process of patenting a new development for exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) solutions, breaking new grounds in emission reduction to not only reduce NOX emissions but also reduce CO2 emissions in an after treatment process.

  • CMA CGM vessel

    Methane slip reduction targeted in EU-funded Green Ray project


    A consortium including technology group Wärtsilä has secured European Union funding to develop solutions minimising methane slip from marine engines.

  • FastRig wing sail illustration

    Wind sail project secures government funding


    A ground-breaking wind propulsion project has been awarded a share of £60 million in UK government funding

  • A new project plans to combine CWS’s wingsail system with a GTT-designed onboard CCS system with the aim of reducing carbon emissions from a container vessel operating on an alternative fuel by up to 50%.

    GTT awarded funding to design on-board CCS system


    A project to install an assymetric wingsail alongside a new onboard carbon capture and storage system on a container vessel powered by synthetic fuel has been awarded funding from a French public investment bank, Bpifrance.

  • TECO 2030 has received its first order for a scrubber unit capable of reducing SOx, NOx, black carbon, and PM emissions.

    TECO 2030 sells its first Future Funnel


    TECO 2030 has received its first purchase order for a future funnel from an undisclosed large European shipowner. 

  • Ardmore is transitioning six of its tankers to carbon capture ready

    Ardmore opts for Value Maritime clean tech


    Ardmore Shipping has opted for Value Maritime’s emissions-cutting technology on six of its vessels

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    Carisbrooke reduces emissions with FOS


    Carisbrooke Shipping has made savings of more than 600 tonnes of CO2 emissions this year with the help of Wärtsilä’s Fleet Optimisation Solution 

  • Daphne Technology's Chief Product Officer, Thomas F. Werner, says the company is planning a land-based test of a catalyst-free, electrical system this year on a 700kW gas engine at a test facility in Germany.

    Methane slip reduction technologies ready for 2023 testing


    In a webinar following the release of the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping (MMMCZCS) paper, Reducing methane emissions onboard vessels, manufacturers have highlighted some key events taking place next year.

  • HHI-EMD announced plans to bring its methane oxidation catalyst (oxicat) technology to market in 2023 at Gastech.

    HHI-EMD to market oxicats from 2023


    Hyundai Heavy Industries Engine & Machinery Division (HHI-EMD) held a webinar on 28 September 2022 discussing its after-treatment research for LNG and ammonia, saying it plans to market its methane oxidation catalyst (oxicat) technology in 2023.

  • Ko Makita, Director, Makita Corp.; Yu Makita, President, Makita Corp.; Lukas Wengel, Head of Global Spare-Part Sales, MAN Energy Solutions pictured at the signature of the agreement.

    MAN PrimeServ and Makita cooperate on SCR service


    MAN PrimeServ and Makita Corporation have signed a three-year agreement to offer customers worldwide the best possible service within SCR-HP (Selective Catalytic Reducation-High Pressure) systems from MAN Energy Solutions on two-stroke engines license-built by Makita Corporation.

  • A new working group aims to identify and pilot new technologies to monitor and reduce methane slip from vessels fuelled by LNG.

    Partners aim to measure and reduce methane emissions


    The Methane Abatement in Maritime Innovation Initiative aims to minimise the environmental impact of LNG in shipping whilst aiding the transition to future fuel solutions.

  • Researchers from Fraunhofer IMM are working on a methanol reformer prototype that offers weight, efficiency and attrition advantages over current methanol reformer technology.

    Study: Pre-combustion carbon capture viable


    Researchers from Austria and Sweden have modelled the potential for pre- and post-combustion carbon capture for a ferry burning renewable methanol and hydrogen and concluded that both systems would be cost effective.

  • Ionada GmbH has completed a detailed onboard carbon capture feasibility study for LNG carriers for a patented system using hollow fibre membrane contactors

    Future fuel uncertainty points towards onboard carbon capture


    The IMO’s short-term decarbonisation regulations are yet to consider onboard carbon capture and storage (CCS), but the industry is pushing ahead anyway.

  • Sean van der Post, LR’s Global Offshore Business Director, rejected arbitrary distinctions between on-board and stationary carbon capture schemes.

    All eyes turn to CCUS: LR’s van der Post


    The emergence of a new trade in carbon transportation is likely to depend upon regulatory developments to support investments, Lloyd’s Register’s Sean van der Post tells The Motorship in an exclusive interview.

  • Berge Bulk, BAR Technologies and Yara Marine Technologies reached an agreement to install four BARTech WindWings onboard the vessel back in June

    Bulk carrier wind retrofit project


    Deltamarin will carry out the ship side basic design for installing wind power onboard the 210,000dwt bulk carrier Berge Olympus

  • State-of-the-art in offshore tanker technology, the Korean-built Frida Knutsen.

    VOC-Burning Dual-Fuel Shuttle Tanker Heading North


    A further stage in the evolution of the shuttle tanker fleet deployed in north European waters has been signalled by the delivery of the first of two newbuilds powered by dual-fuel machinery.

  • Wah Kwong has signed an agreement with BV to study the feasibility of on-board carbon capture and storage.

    BV studies onboard CCS with Hong Kong shipowner


    Bureau Veritas (BV) and Wah Kwong, one of Hong Kong’s largest shipowners, have signed a cooperation agreement to study the feasibility of installing carbon capture and storage (CCS) units on existing ships.

  • Research into on board carbon capture and storage solutions (such as a pilot project being developed by Norway's TECO) has accelerated since 2021.

    ABS sees role for carbon capture


    The path towards net zero will start with drop-in transition fuels, progress with the adoption of carbon capture (CCS) technologies and eventually lead to adoption of low- and zero-carbon fuels produced using renewable energy, says ABS.