Energy Saving Devices – Page 9
The Switch package for Twin Fin bulk carrier series
A series of bulk carrier newbuildings propelled by Caterpillar Marine''s Twin Fin propulsion packages will feature a Yaskawa Environmental Energy / The Switch electric drive train solution.
Bow foil operational results reveal fuel savings
Wavefoil, the Norwegian bow foil technology company, said its retractable bow foil solution had significant fuel savings after analysis of six months of performance of its first installation aboard a Faroe Islands based ferry.
Wärtsilä inks license deal for gate rudder technology
Wärtsilä has announced plans to fully integrate an innovative propulsion device - the gate rudder - within its propulsion product designs after entering into a partnership relationship with the device’s Japanese patent holders.
Flapping-wing solution at heart of next-gen efficiency project
A consortium of seven industry and academic partners, including technology group Wärtsilä, is conducting a three-year EU funded research project to develop two symbiotic ship engine and propulsion innovations.
Wind propulsion unit commercially installed
The first commercial retrofit of eConowind’s Ventifoil unit for wind-assisted ship propulsion has taken place on Jan van Dam Shipping’s 3,600 DWT general cargo vessel ''MV Ankie''.
ClassNK commits to wind propulsion
Furthering its commitment to wind propulsion technologies, ClassNK is joining not-for-profit organisation, the International Windship Association (IWSA).
Wärtsilä and Silverstream join forces
Technology group Wärtsilä and Silverstream Technologies have signed a licence and co-operation agreement for future sales and servicing of the Silverstream air lubrication system.
North Sea wind propulsion project launches
A €5.4 million project to research and trial wind propulsion in the North Sea has been officially approved and launched.
Maersk tanker Rotor Sails trial a success
Norsepower Oy together with project partners Maersk Tankers, Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) and Shell International Trading and Shipping Company, have successfully completed trials of two Norsepower Rotor Sails onboard a Maersk Tankers product tanker.
Partnership to advance wind propulsion
Technology group, Wärtsilä, and Norsepower have signed a service cooperation agreement, enabling Norsepower to order service from Wärtsilä, whilst Wärtsilä can pursue and sell Norsepower Rotor Sail projects.
Wing sails help propel rocket transport ship
Naval architecture firm, VPLP, has moved into the maritime transport sector with the development of a RoRo vessel for transporting components of the Ariane 6 rocket from Europe to French Guiana.
ClassNK approves hard sail system design
Classification society ClassNK has granted approval in principle (AIP) for the basic design of a hard sail system which converts wind energy to propulsive force with a telescopic hard sail.
A second wind for air lubrication systems
MSC’s new 23,700 TEU MSC Gülsün is the latest vessel to be built ready to be fitted with an air lubrication system, amid a resurgence in interest in the technology, writes Nick Savvides.
Pulling power: applying dynamic control to towing kite technology
The last few months have seen an upsurge in interest in Seawing, the automated power kite developed by Toulouse-based developer Airseas, even before the product’s commercial launch.
ClassNK releases wind propulsion guidelines
In response to ever-tightening environmental regulations, classification society ClassNK has released its new guidelines for wind-assisted propulsion systems.
Europe’s wind capacity up from 2018
Europe added 4.9GW of new wind energy capacity in the first half of 2019, according to figures released by WindEurope.
Wind propulsion project launched
ABS and MARIN have launched a joint industry project (JIP) to investigate methods of assessing the performance of wind-assisted shipping propulsion technologies.
'K' Line trials flying wing system
Japanese transportation company, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (''K'' Line), is installing an automated kite system developed by Airbus company, Airseas, on its large bulk carrier.
Norsepower’s Rotor Sail delivers fuel savings
Independent tests on a Viking Line-owned and operated cruise ferry have showed that Norsepower Oy’s Rotor Sail technology has the potential to deliver LNG fuel savings of around 300 tonnes per year.
Norsepower gets class approval for rotor sail
Clean technology company, Norsepower Oy, has been awarded the first ever type approval design certificate granted to an auxiliary wind propulsion system onboard a commercial ship.