Towing kite supplier validates automation system, projects 16% fuel reduction


Source: PolaRYSE / Airseas

Airseas, the kite sail wind-assisted propulsion supplier, has announced that its innovative automation system, which successfully controlled the Seawing’s dynamic flights without any human intervention, has been validated during during the final round of sea trials on a ro-ro vessel. 

The wind assisted propulsion supplier also announced that analysis of the data from its latest sea trials have revealed projected fuel and emissions reductions of 16% based on a normalised transatlantic voyage.

The 16% projected fuel and emissions savings were calculated from the tonnes of traction measured on the Seawing system during the final round of sea trials on the 5,291 dwt ro-ro vessel Ville de Bordeaux, owned by Louis Dreyfus Armateurs, during transatlantic voyages.

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