Clean Shipping Alliance Q&A on scrubbers


This year is seeing more ports, such as Amsterdam, ban the use of open loop scrubbers in their waters. We spoke to the Clean Shipping Alliance for its view on the bans and what the organisation stands for.

(Question) Can you elaborate on the CSA’s long-term vision for emissions abatement and its strategy to support member companies in achieving these goals?

The Clean Shipping Alliance (CSA) represents a group of leading shipping companies in emission control efforts through their investments in research, analysis and funding on the development and use of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS) for the ongoing compliance with the IMO 2020 fuel requirements.

Comprising 25 members, the CSA represents over 3,000 ships from the commercial shipping and cruise industries, so as a diverse group of major shipping companies from across the maritime industry, there are different perspectives on future priorities. As a collective, however, we are aligned on the major role that energy savings/fuel efficiency must play in the general decarbonization effort, and the importance of biofuels and LNG, including bioLNG, in starting to replace current marine fuels in the near and mid-term.

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