Compressed hydrogen solution ready to compete in Europe’s regional trade


Source: Provaris

Australia-based Provaris aims to offer its compressed hydrogen supply chain solution as an alternative to ammonia as a hydrogen carrier in upcoming European projects. The company aims to have its solutions ready for when both Europe and Australasia have matured production projects in a few years’ time.

Martin Carolan, Provaris Managing Director and CEO, says recent announcements relating to ports and pipelines in Europe indicate they are getting ready for hydrogen delivery from 2027. This fits with his timeframe for offering a competitive alternative. Already partnered with Norwegian Hydrogen, he is in talks with companies in the UK, Germany and southern Europe. The company is ideally targeting supply that is less than 1,000 nautical miles to port, and up to 2,000 nautical miles, where Carolan says Provaris’s compressed hydrogen transport solution is “super competitive.”

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