Latest News – Page 521

  • The Switch has launched its next generation energy efficient drive trains for the large merchant shipping sector

    Game-changing drive trains


    Finnish power expert, The Switch, has launched its next generation energy efficient drive trains for the large merchant shipping sector.

  • ‘Stavangerfjord’ entered service on Norway-Denmark routes earlier in 2013

    World’s first cruise ferry using pure gas engine propulsion


    The first international service passenger ferry operating on purely-LNG-fuelled engines recently entered service on trans-Skagerrak duty, and is described here by David Tinsley.

  • News

    Arctech Helsinki shipyard buy-out


    Media reports say that the Russian state-owned shipbuilder United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) has bought out Arctech Helsinki Shipyard.

  • Heralding a new dawn in the Chinese engine market, the CS21 marries high performance standards with necessarily keen pricing (photo: SMDERI)

    Home-grown for price-sensitive Chinese market


    David Tinsley explains how China’s increasing technological capabilities are being leveraged to develop and manufacture home-grown engines using localised components and tailored to and priced for the domestic market, complementing volume production of foreign-designed marine diesels.

  • The Dutch-designed Ecoliner features four masts, which can double as cranes

    Wind assistance – the story continues


    Dag Pike looks at yet another design for a wind-assisted large merchant vessel – this time from a well-established and successful designer of sailing craft, so prospects look promising.

  • The Vacon NXP Grid Converter can easily be integrated into various applications to provide cleaner power

    Clean power converter


    Finnish AC drive expert, Vacon, has developed a new NXP grid converter which claims to improve cost and energy efficiency of marine applications.

  • Solar hybrid super tanker concept from Sauter Carbon Offset Design

    More sail ideas to cut costs and emissions


    As recently as the 60s and 70s, sailing cargo vessels operated efficiently around Europe, writes Wendy Laursen.

  • The D36 medium-speed engine series puts Belgian maker ABC into a new league

    ABC marches up power band with IMO III-ready solution


    ABC launched its latest four-stroke marine engine at SMM in 2012, and used the recent CIMAC Congress in Shanghai to update its customers, reports David Tinsley.

  • Drydocks is looking for global business partners and has signed a strategic alliance with NSC

    Drydocks and NSC strategic alliance


    The UAE''s Drydocks World has signed a strategic alliance with Germany’s NSC Holding to secure increased business for the yard and enable key maintenance services for NSC vessels.

  • The new EU Ship Recycling Regulation, passed by a large majority at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, will help promote ‘greener’ recycling (picture: IMO)

    European Parliament agrees on ship recycling


    The European Parliament has adopted a new Ship Recycling Regulation by a large majority at a plenary sitting in Brussels.

  • Singapore’s NTU is to enter the field of advanced maritime R&D

    Maritime energy test facility to be established in Singapore


    Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has announced that it is to set up an advanced maritime energy test facility, said to be the first in South-east Asia.

  • MEPC is expected to approve a PIB discharge ban when it meets next year

    IMO to act on PIBs


    IMO’s Working Group on the Evaluation of Safety and Pollution Hazards of Chemicals (ESPH 19), meeting at IMO Headquarters from 21 to 25 October, has agreed to classify high-viscosity PIB (Polyisobutylene) as category X for carriage by ship.

  • News

    Electric winch order


    Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) has placed a €37m order for 45 electric winches from Cargotec’s Macgregor.

  • News

    ABS realigns to meet industry demands


    ABS is realigning its operational and environmental performance, nautical systems and asset integrity management services to meet industry needs.

  • GloBal TestNet aims to standardise ballast water test procedures

    New ballast water test group


    The IMO has announced a new formal group of organisations that will be involved in testing for the certification of ballast water.

  • Kongsberg’s offshore engine room simulators feature multi-thruster installations

    Two new diesel electric offshore training aids


    Kongsberg Maritime has introduced two new Diesel Electric models for its Engine Room Simulator, K-Sim Engine (previously known as Neptune).

  • Jotun has launched its HPS package for eco-friendly newbuildings

    Hull coating system for eco-friendly newbuildings


    Jotun has launched its HPS (hull performance solutions) package for newbuildings, aimed at yards building eco-design vessels, and designers and owners looking for improved EEDI and ship performance.

  • The MT6022 is the next in a new generation of environmentally-friendly and advanced multifunctional offshore construction vessels

    New subsea support vessel


    Marin Teknikk has designed a new subsea support and construction vessel for Oceaneering International which it says is a solid contribution to its order book.

  • News

    Tackling industry challenges


    The shipping industry is being urged to take a pro-active approach to industry challenges following Interferry’s 38th annual conference earlier this month.

  • Waves and current data could provide a key to enhanced ship efficiency (NOAA)

    Ocean data to help improve ship efficiency


    Portsmouth Business School in the UK is looking to work with shipowners and companies involved in voyage optimisation or similar software to bring a ‘green shipping’ project to fruition.