Latest News – Page 557
Compact electric drive for Dutch tourist craft
A Dutch company has developed a new, particularly compact, electric drive propulsion system, writes Dag Pike.
Newest addition to Bourbon 800 series
Bourbon has taken delivery of its new Bourbon Evolution 803 vessel - the third in its large Inspection, Maintenance, Repair (IMR) 800 series for the offshore industry. It will soon go into service in Malaysia.
Lisnave refits 100th AET tanker
Portugese shiprepair company, Lisnave, has received its 100th tanker project, the ''Eagle Turin'', owned by Malaysian tanker operator, AET.
RINA and IB to distribute fleet software
Classification society RINA Group has partnered with Italian software house IB to distribute a software suite aimed at improving ship and fleet operation across the board.
STX OSV turns down Fincantieri bid
The board of Singapore-based STX OSV, following the advice of adviser Ernst & Young Corporate Finance, has recommended shareholders to reject the offer made by the Italian Fincantieri group to acquire the remaining shares in STX OSV.
GPA designs PSVs for Jackson Offshore
US based naval architecture company, Guido Perla & Associates (GPA), has won a contract to deliver the design, regulatory design and production engineering for two GPA 675J PSVs for Jackson Offshore Operators.
IMO to update GHG inventory
International experts are meeting at International Maritime Organisation (IMO) headquarters this week to begin work on updating the inventory of greenhouse gases (GHG) from international shipping.
Follow-up scrubber contract from Messina
Wärtsilä has announced a contract awarded the Korean yard STX Offshore & Shipbuilding to supply exhaust gas cleaning systems for four new container ro-ro (con-ro) vessels being built for Italian shipowner Ignazio Messina.
SEA Europe welcomes future opportunities
Brussels based European Ships and Maritime Equipment Association (SEA Europe) has welcomed the launch of LeaderSHIP 2020, a strategy set up to increase the competitiveness of the European maritime technology industry and to provide future opportunities.
Hyde Guardian BWTS for Russian icebreaker
US based marine solutions company, Hyde Marine, has announced that its Hyde Guardian ballast water treatment system (BWTS) HG600 unit has been selected for the largest icebreaker in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) Rosmorport fleet.
Two new fouling control technologies from International
International Paint has announced two new hull coating products, which the company claims represent a “sea-change in hull performance”.
New Vulkan subsidiary in Australia
German engineering company, the Vulkan group, has set up a new fully-owned subsidiary in Australia in response to increased demand for marine and industrial drive technology.
Tracking down bugs in the system
Rigs are increasingly sensitive to fuel quality these days, and PSV operators simply can no longer rely on their supply – no matter how established – to make sure the fuel it is about to deliver is clean.
Transas ship modelling for cruisers
The Transas ship modelling and hydrodynamics department did high fidelity modelling for more than 10 global cruise vessels last year – a market for which it’s hoping to get more business in this year.
Gulf Oil and Sailors’ Society join to support seafarers
Global marine lubricant marketer, Gulf Oil Marine, has announced a mutli year partnering agreement with international maritime charity, the Sailors’ Society, to offer support for seafarers.
NBGI acquires Cosalt Offshore
NBGI Private Equity, investor in Scotland based equipment specialist, ATR Group, has acquired the Aberdeen and Norway operations of Grimsby based maritime safety equipment company, Cosalt Offshore.
Fire safety for support vessels
Support vessels bring unique challenges to fire safety: flammable cargos and a deck space which is often taken up by heavy machinery.
Taking trainees to the edge (without dropping them over)
Training simulators are very useful, especially when you need to show how difficult things can get, without endangering a vessel, crew or even getting your shoes wet.
USC works on ‘greening’ sea transport
Researchers from the University of Southern California’s Viterbi School of Engineering have been collaborating with Hong Kong shipowner Tai Chong Cheang Steamship Co (TCC) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions caused by marine diesel engines.
GL studies design of offshore windfarm installation and supply vessels
Henrik Segercrantz describes a recent study by Germanisher Lloyd on development of windfarm projects, and the requirements for turbines, construction vessels and the support fleet.