Kongsberg relaunches Vessel Performance app

Kongsberg Digital is relaunching its application for vessel and fleet optimisation, Vessel Performance.

Source: Kongsberg Digital

Kongsberg Digital is relaunching its application for vessel and fleet optimisation, Vessel Performance, for offshore vessel operations. The data-driven solution now provides even more accessible onboard and onshore decision support, enabling significant cost and emission reductions in offshore operations.

The new version of Vessel Performance provides enhanced onboard decision support through an improved and more user-friendly interface. Optimising running engines and reducing excess equipment usage, Vessel Performance assists the crew in reducing fuel consumption and maintenance costs.

The Vessel Performance data is also shared in real-time with onshore personnel. The accessible data and analysis increase operational awareness for the users, making it easier to detect the cost saving opportunities, which is normally a time-consuming task in the offshore industry due to the complexity of the systems onboard.

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