New Agency Agreement Signed at Expomaritt Exposhipping İstanbul

We are proud to announce that HJ Lubricators A/S has officially entered into an agency agreement with OCEANiST ENGINEERING, a leading provider of marine and offshore solutions in Turkey. 

The agreement was signed at Expomaritt, marking an important step in strengthening our presence in the Turkish maritime sector.

With this collaboration, Mark Kristensen, Head of Sales at HJ Lubricators, and Umur Culha, Managing Director at Oceanist Engineering, have sealed a partnership that will enhance the distribution and support of HJL’s advanced cylinder lubrication systems in Turkey. Oceanist’s extensive expertise in propulsion, maneuvering, and environmental solutions makes them the ideal partner to bring our innovative lubrication technologies to Turkish shipowners and operators.

We are excited about this new journey and look forward to working closely with Oceanist Engineering to deliver sustainable, cost-effective lubrication solutions that optimise engine performance and support the transition to greener shipping.

Expomaritt was the perfect setting for this significant milestone, and we thank everyone who helped make it happen!