Predictions for 2025: The challenge of future fuels

John Bergman_headshot

As the maritime industry navigates toward a more sustainable future, the adoption of alternative fuels like ammonia, methanol, and hydrogen is gaining momentum. These fuels represent a significant shift from traditional marine energy sources, promising to decarbonise operations and align with evolving environmental regulations. However, they also bring a host of challenges for ship designs and retrofits, from safety and storage considerations to infrastructure and operational implications.

Question: With the rise of alternative fuels like ammonia, methanol, and hydrogen, what challenges and opportunities do these fuels present for propulsion system designs and retrofits?

John Bergman, CEO of Auramarine: ”The main challenges with the adoption of these future fuels are related to their high toxicity and the need for special fuel storage and handling requirements. Safe infrastructure, naturally, requires significant investment as well, which is another hurdle for shipowners.

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