AiP for CSBC MeOH-fuelled 2,500 teu feeder design


Source: Lloyd's Register

Lloyd’s Register (LR) has awarded Approval in Principle (AiP) to Taiwanese shipbuilder CSBC for its 2,500 teu feeder design with methanol propulsion, as part of a joint development project.

This joint project signifies a major advancement in the Taiwanese shipbuilding industry, securing one of the first approvals for an alternative-fuelled vessel built in Taiwan. Approval for this vessel design is critical to the global supply chain, enabling the transport of cargo to smaller ports inaccessible to larger ships. 

In a previous collaboration, LR and CSBC successfully completed the AiP for a 50,000 DWT methanol-fuelled oil tanker. These joint projects showcase CSBC’s dedication to addressing market trends and rising to the challenge of achieving zero-emission shipping.

The AiP was announced during Marintec China 2023. As part of the joint project, CSBC has collaborated with LR to enhance its design experience and confidence, working together on the approved design and jointly preparing for future challenges. 

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