Norwegian Yard Lands Cableship Contract

Nexans newbuild

Source: Skipsteknisk

Norway’s maritime sector has gained a valuable project for a high-capacity, newbuild cable layer. West coast builder Ulstein Verft has landed the construction contract entailing a 150m vessel to Norwegian design for deployment by the Norwegian arm of the Paris-headquartered Nexans telecoms and power cable maker.

A derivation of the Nexans Aurora, completed by Ulstein in 2021 and ranked among the most technologically-advanced vessels of her type, the new DP3-class ship will take the concept further through design enhancements, increased capabilities, a ‘greener’ profile, and higher comfort.

Drawn up by Aalesund consultancy Skipsteknisk under the designation ST-297 CLV, the prospective 2026 addition to the fleet ascribed to Nexans Marine Operations of Oslo will carry out cable installation, repair and recovery. The design and engineering is keyed to ensuring work continuity and precision in challenging weather conditions, calling for manoeuvrability, station-keeping and handling systems of the highest order.

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