Smart Marine 1

Smart-Marine is a pioneer in the maritime industry, boasting a team of individuals with extensive technical and operational experience from some of the world’s leading maritime companies, such as MAN Energy Solutions and Maersk Line. This wealth of expertise enables Smart-Marine to deliver solutions that are both innovative and grounded in a deep understanding of the industry’s needs and best practices.

Currently, the maritime industry relies on crew members to manually remove potentially toxic and harmful sludge from the main engine under piston space. As the industry transitions towards methanol and ammonia-powered vessels, this method is no longer viable, as exposure to these new green fuels can be deadly for the crew. Smart-Marine has addressed this challenge, by providing an automatic cleaning system that collects and contains sludge for safe and easy disposal. This improves the safety, health and welfare of the crew.

Relevant to all ship owners, Smart-Marine has successfully developed, patented, and launched a technology that allows large 2-stroke marine engines to reclaim unused cylinder oil, enabling up to 60% of the oil to be re-used. Since cylinder oil is the biggest operational expense for running a cylinder on a 2-stroke marine engine (excluding fuel, which is typically paid for by the charterer), this innovation has the potential to significantly reduce costs and particle emissions, revolutionizing the traditional view of cylinder oil as a consumable. Trials on large container vessels have already demonstrated excellent cylinder condition using this technology.

Additionally, Smart-Marine has identified sludge accumulation in the drain pipe system as a primary cause of increased wear on piston rods, leaking stuffing boxes, system oil contamination, and issues with hydraulic components such as FIVA valves and clogged filters. Sludge trapped in the drain pipe system forces operators to use a significantly higher cylinder oil feed rate than necessary. To solve this problem, Smart-Marine has developed the Automatic Drain Cleaning System (ADCS), which effectively removes sludge from the engine, resolving these issues and improving overall engine performance and reliability.