All Motorship articles in Web Issue – Page 359

  • News

    Japan faces a crisis


    Once again, in The Motor Ship of June 1968, the Japanese shipbuilding industry was making headlines. Following its rapid rise, thanks to high levels of government investment, shipyards in Japan faced the prospect of a decline thanks to rising costs and a general slowdown in orders.

  • Deck-mounted LNG fuel tanks on 'Fure Vinga' proclaim a new techno-environmental strategy for Furetank

    Swedish owners raise bar in environmental tanker design


    Meticulous attention to every aspect of energy demand and usage is reflected in the 1A ice-classed ‘Fure Vinga’. The project lays down a new milestone in product carrier design and construction, writes David Tinsley.

  • The DC Hub enables generators to run at optimal efficiency with batteries picking up any excess load

    The Switch gears up for offshore hybrid opportunity


    The Switch has completed the factory acceptance test for a critical component of its DC Hub system, which has been ordered by an undisclosed ship owner to optimise hybrid propulsion on an ‘advanced offshore vessel’.

  • Eniram will develop optimisation and monitoring tools for the LNG bulk carrier project

    Eniram monitoring for Project Forward


    LNG bulker initiative Project Forward has signed an agreement for monitoring and optimisation with Eniram, offering further evidence of the project’s evolution from concept to reality.

  • GoodFuels

    GoodFuels secures investment to develop CO2-reducing sustainable biofuels


    GoodFuels has secured investment funding to boost its development of sustainable biofuels with the aim of reducing CO2, improving air quality and achieving global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

  • "Heavy fuel oil was the standard for the last 30 years, and the new standard in our eyes should be LNG" Dominik Schneiter, vice president research & development, WinGD

    Adapting to evolving engine demands


    As emissions regulations drive a transformation in the technical demands of the shipping industry, WinGD is mapping its view of future engine design. Dominik Schneiter, vice president, research and development, outlines the company’s priorities

  • The US has implemented a programme for a new generation of cadet training ships that will serve also as disaster response vessels (image courtesy of Herbert Engineering)

    US to build versatile new training ships


    US government funding has been authorised to begin the replacement of the country’s ageing fleet of state maritime academy training ships with a versatile new generation of national security multi-mission vessels (NSMV), writes David Tinsley

  • CROE scrubber

    CROE to supply emissions-reducing scrubbers for Songa Shipmanagement’s vessels


    CR Ocean Engineering (CROE) will supply sulphur-emissions reducing exhaust gas cleaning systems for Songa Shipmanagement’s oil/chemical tankers and heavy-lift vessels.

  • Ecochlor’s BWMS

    Ecochlor BWMS to be retrofitted in 36 ASGL vessels


    Ecochlor will retrofit its ballast water management system (BWMS) in 36 of Angelicoussis Shipping Group’s (ASGL) vessels.

  • Opex and capex implications of sulphur compliance options are brought to light through Lloyd's Register's online tool

    LR launches sulphur compliance cost tool


    Lloyd’s Register (LR) has launched an online calculator that can help ship owners evaluate the cost of sulphur compliance ahead of IMO’s global cap from 2020.

  • IMO's London headquarters will host discussion on regulating for autonomous vessels as part of this week's Maritime Safety Committee meeting

    MSC takes up IMO autonomy discussion


    The International Maritime Organization (IMO) will discuss how it can begin to regulate for autonomous vessels at the ninety-ninth meeting of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), starting this week.

  • Thordon Bearings' new website

    New bearing information website


    A new website will provide information about the commercial, technical and environmental advantages of using grease-free and water-lubricated polymer bearings across a wide variety of applications.

  • Brunvoll will provide propulsion and manoeuvring equipment for the combined trawling, auto-line and potting vessel for Austral Fisheries

    Brunvoll propulsion for pioneering fishing vessel


    Brunvoll will provide propulsion and manoeuvring equipment for a fishing vessel featuring combined trawling, auto-line and potting, to be built for Austral Fisheries.

  • Damen Shiprepair Dunkerque's first LNG conversion will create Europe's first LNG-fuelled dredger

    LNG dredger conversion begins at Damen Dunkerque


    Work has begun on the conversion of the trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) Samuel de Champlain, which will become Europe’s first LNG-fuelled dredger.

  • Ship operators must take care to avoid the mistakes of the past when it comes to bio-lubricants, says Patrick Lämmle

    EALs: Learning from history


    Shipping is not the first industry to suffer a rude awakening as it switched to environmentally acceptable lubricants, recalls Patrick Lämmle, chairman of lubricant supplier Panolin International

  • Different from other cruise ships in configuration, 'MSC Seaside' is the largest yet from Fincantieri

    Evolution in cruise ship design from Italy


    ‘MSC Seaside’ has put down a new marker for Italian design and construction as her Swiss-based owner rolls out an ambitious and innovative, 10-year fleet investment programme. By David Tinsley

  • Artist's impression of the liquefaction and loading plant at Port of Hastings

    Japan and Australia in hydrogen transport project


    A new project comprising Japanese and Australian stakeholders could see the first liquefied hydrogen carrier become a reality within three years.

  • Rolls-Royce will handle the maintenance of 12 state-of-the art Siem Offshore anchor handling vessels Photo: Siem Offshore

    Five-year Rolls-Royce deck machinery maintenance agreement


    Rolls-Royce has signed a long-term service agreement with offshore vessel owner Siem Offshore to ensure the stability of its deck machinery installations aboard 12 of its state-of-the art anchor handling vessels.

  • NAPA Shipping Solutions has secured INTENS funding to enhance its cloud-based voyage planning software Photo: NAPA 2018

    Finnish based consortium works towards smart green shipping


    A Finnish collaborative consortium has been set up to advance digitalisation of the country’s marine industry with a specific focus on energy efficiency improvement and emissions reduction of ship energy systems.

  • The Integrated L-drive electric propulsion solution was chosen for 'Volt Processor' both for its efficient and flexible power supply and its compact size

    First Veth Integrated L drive delivered to Damen fish farm service vessel


    Veth has delivered its first Integrated L-drive to Damen Shipyards’ Volt Processor fish farm service vessel following successful sea trials.