All Motorship articles in Web Issue – Page 534

  • Stuart Duffield of LOC

    To err is... all too human


    Some reported incidents of ‘DP technology failure’ are actually down to human error.

  • Finnish Transport Agency vessel, photo FTA

    Following a tough act


    Both physical and legislative challenges have come together to give rise the first LNG icebreaker, writes Stevie Knight

  • The first pilot of Build2Design carried out on the Green Dolphin 38 design showed that a saving of 2% can be achieved

    DNV GL launches new Build2Design service


    DNV GL has launched a new service called Build2Design to help shipyards and shipowners improve the fuel economy of their ships by reducing variations in the shipbuilding process.

  • The 80m ice-class ferries will operate in Canada. Photo: Cargotec

    Cargotec secures ro-ro equipment contract


    MacGregor, part of Cargotec, is to design and deliver key components for ro-ro access equipment for two Damen ice-class ro-Pax ferries.

  • DP training needs to evolve

    DP training can’t stand still


    There are divergent forces at the heart of the DP certification: on one side is the need for capable and experienced operators, while on the other side there is a surge of new vessels with DP positions to fill.

  • NUSI’s training facility will assist in growing India’s offshore sector

    India looks for answers at home


    A very sophisticated offshore support training facility has been built, housed not in a high end OEM R&D installation, but in a not-for-profit facility in Mumbai, India. By Stevie Knight

  • Patrick Janssens: “The visionary project teams who properly plan their path to compliance can be successful”

    LNG bunkering regulation report


    Marine and offshore classification society ABS has released a report on LNG bunkering in North America.

  • Russia's plans for Crimea include development of shipbuilding

    Shipbuilding features strongly in Russia’s plans for Crimea


    Dmitry Rogozin, Russia’s first deputy prime-minister, has said that Russia is considering the establishment of large commercial shipbuilding along the Crimean coastline, writes Eugene Gerden.

  • The EU is providing funding to the IMO camapign to improve the African maritime industry

    €1.2m pledged to support African administrations


    The European Union is funding a €1.2m grant contract, signed between the IMO and the African Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP), to support training and capacity-building activities in Africa.

  • New product of Austal's stake in the Philippines shipbuilding industry, the 80m catamaran ‘Aremiti Ferry II’

    Production shift for Australian aluminium ferry technology


    A new lightweight passenger-vehicle ferry to an established Australian design has been built in the Philippines for service in French Polynesia is described by David Tinsley.

  • Wärtsilä Ship Design has adapted its established Norwegian vessel designs for the Asia-Pacific market

    PSV designs aimed at Asia-Pacific owners


    Wärtsilä Ship Design (WSD) Singapore has unveiled a Platform Supply Vessel (PSV) design package aimed at ship owners and shipyards in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • The new solution has been developed to prepare vessels for the fitting of BWMS

    Wärtsilä wins retrofit contract


    Wärtsilä is to retrofit two Condor ro-ro ferries with its new Aquarius Ready ballast water management system (BWMS).

  • Pierpaolo Barbone of Wärtsilä: Listening is something you need to do, before you make any assumptions

    Going the extra 9,000 miles


    “People don’t want to interact with virtual world: providing a service is a ‘people business’ Pierpaolo Barbone of Wärtsilä tells Stevie Knight. “Professionalism can’t even begin to play a part unless it’s based on being human.”

  • Baleária should achieve 2% savings in propulsion power with ABB’s EMMA Advisory Suite

    ABB order for Baleária ferry


    Leading power group, ABB has won an order from a Spanish ferry operator to supply energy management systems for one of its largest vessels.

  • News

    SKF to launch cryogenic bearing


    Among a number of new products from Sweden''s SKF Group is a new cryogenic bearing solution for LNG pumps, which the company says helps to increase flexibility and reliability in the handling of valuable cargo.

  • The correct lubricant choice is more important than ever

    Marine lubricants’ transition from commodity to speciality


    As OEMs place increasing emphasis on the role of cylinder lubricants in combating the costly issue of cold corrosion, lubricants are steadily being viewed as more than simply a commodity product, argues Serge Dal Farra, of Total Lubmarine.

  • Scandlines’ ‘Schleswig-Holstein’, now equipped with an AEC scrubber system

    Ferry re-enters operation with exhaust scrubber


    AEC Maritime, based in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, says that its closed-loop scrubber installation on the Scandlines ferry ‘Schleswig-Holstein’ has been commissioned and is now fully operational.

  • NAPA Voyage Optimisation is a ClassNK-NAPA Green module that reduces fuel consumption through voyage, speed and route optimisation, and weather routing

    Fuel payers save more with advanced monitoring and optimisation solutions


    With success or failure increasingly dependent upon it, key players in the maritime industry are working together to develop operational efficiency software with enhanced precision measuring capability: Esa Henttinen, vice president at NAPA for operations, reports on the sea trials of one such product: ClassNK-NAPA Green.

  • Sigmund Borgundvaag of Rolls-Royce, the ‘grandfather’ of offshore support design

    Sigmund Borgundvaag: four decades of designing the future


    Stevie Knight talks to naval architect Sigmund Borgundvaag of Rolls-Royce, whose 40-year career in the design of OSVs have earned him the title ''the grandfather of offshore support ships''.

  • Large corporations can invest in sustainable technology concepts like Wallenius Wilhelmsen’s Orcelle – for other owners finance can prove a hurdle (Wallenius Wilhelmsen)

    Driving sustainability: overcoming barriers for technology uptake


    Finding finance can often prove an obstacle to efficiency-enhancing measures; Stephanie Draper, chair and co-founder, Sustainable Shipping Initiative, explains how innovative financing and transparency can inspire technological progression to drive operational efficiencies, reduce fuel costs and lower emissions.