All Motorship articles in Web Issue – Page 558

  • Ugo Salerno, CEO of RINA: "I welcome this step in what I believe will strengthen long-term co-operation"

    RINA joins with Russian Register on ice class


    RINA Group’s certification company, RINA Services, and the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) have agreed to co-operate on specific projects where each society claims complementary strengths.

  • Oasis of the Seas

    Where will it end? Where should it end?


    Wendy Laursen looks at how a European programme and various indepenent initiatives aim to apply air transport technology to ships in order to take control ashore rather than rely entirely on ship crews, thus reducing the risk of human error and, hopefully, enhancing safety.

  • DFDS scrubber

    Hedging the bets


    A growing number of scrubber technologies are gaining industry experience, but hybrid systems are providing a safe option for dealing with the current regulatory uncertainties, writes Wendy Laursen

  • Gaz Métro will establish an LNG supply infrastructure for three new gas-fuelled STQ ferries

    Ferry gas bunker agreement in Canada


    Canadian gas distribution company Gaz Métro has announced that it is to supply three LNG-fuelled ferries that will be entering service in Québec from 2015.

  • JAMSTEC’s new research ship, to be built by MHI

    Research vessel contract for Mitsubishi Heavy


    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) has received an order for construction of a wide-area seabed research vessel from the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC).

  • The Harima-Sulzer 10 RD 90 engine fitted to the ‘Hatsushima Maru’ tanker- the largest and most powerful Sulzer-powered ship

    The digital age appears on the horizon


    The Motor Ship for October 1963 began with reports that Shell Tankers was bucking the trend away from opposed-piston engines by chartering a newbuild tanker with the latest Doxford J-type engine.

  • Smaller tankers, such as this, can derive significant benefits in fuel consumption and emissions from optimisation of the complete propulsion system

    Low-carbon propulsion options for smaller tankers


    Birger Jacobsen, senior two-stroke research engineer at MAN Diesel & Turbo in Copenhagen looks at how the latest propulsion technology can reduce carbon emissions, resulting in a favourable EEDI rating, for tankers in the 7,000dwt to 10,000dwt size range.

  • News

    Gas fuel is here to stay


    The recent Motorship Gas Fuelled Ships Conference provided a unique opportunity to experience LNG as fuel in actual operation – over a full two days.

  • The Elliott Bay designed ‘AET Innovator’

    Alaskan design office


    The US based Elliott Bay Design Group (EBDG) has established a new office in Alaska to help meet with demand in the region.

  • The Hyde Guardian uses ultraviolet disinfection to treat ships’ ballast water

    BWTS partnership


    Cammell Laird is to install Hyde Guardian ballast water treatment systems (BWTS) as part of a new partnership agreement with Hyde Marine.

  • Eco Marine Power’s solution places photovoltaic cells on the surface of its wing sails

    The wind as fuel


    Dag Pike looks at the current efforts in harnessing free power from the wind in order to cut ship fuel costs and reduce emissions.

  • GL’s route specific container stowage notation is being implemented by Reederei Claus-Peter Offen

    EEDI certification from GL


    The NSC Group has commissioned Germanischer Lloyd (GL) to provide voluntary energy efficiency design index (EEDI) certification for the whole of its 53-strong fleet. NSC operates 31 container ships, four tankers, four bulkers and 14 multi-purpose vessels.

  • Edda Accommodation’s new multi-purpose vessel provides stabilised accommodation for 800, features DP capability and can travel at speed under its own power

    Multi-role accommodation ship features increased stability


    A novel stabilisation system is an important feature of a newbuild accommodation vessel ordered by Edda Accommodation, writes Dag Pike.

  • Thirty of Hansa's vessels will be upgraded with TROP software

    Efficiency upgrade for Hansa


    Interschalt Maritime Systems is to supply its TROP software for 30 of Hansa Shipping’s container vessels, ranging from 2,500 to 6,500 teu.

  • Alfa Laval's PureBallast has received AMS acceptance from USCG

    New timetable may ease installation bottleneck


    Concerns about the industry’s capacity to fit a large number of ballast water treatment systems may be easing with the interplay between US and IMO regulations, writes Wendy Laursen.

  • Parat is to supply an MEL-C electric boiler for a Vard 1 08 PSV newbuild to be delivered to Farstad Shipping

    Electric boiler for Farstad PSV


    Norwegian company Parat Halvorsen has announced a contract with Vard Singapore for an electric boiler system to be installed onboard a PSV.

  • News

    Agreements raise Russian Register profile


    The Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) seems intent on raising its international profile with the signing of several agreements to promote advanced IT solutions and enhance professional training.

  • News

    Software agreement


    The Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) has signed a co-operation agreement with the ship design software company NAPA to adopt the use of NAPA software.

  • Koji Sekimizu and Ban Ki-moon together on an earlier occasion, when Mr Sekimizu visited UN HQ in New York – both endorse marine transportation as cost-effective and energy efficient, and share a desire for sustainable development

    World Maritime Day focuses on sustainability


    26 September 2013 is the International Maritime Organization’s 36th World Maritime Day.

  • ‘MOL Comfort’ – another major casualty likely to impact on marine insurance in general

    Casualties cause jitters for insurers


    Several major casualties have impacted on marine property insurers and the P&I clubs, and they fear there may be more to come this year, writes Denzil Stuart.