“We have set the ambition of Danish shipping to be climate neutral by 2050 without use of compensation. This means that we need to have a significant number of net zero-emission Danish-operated ships on the water before 2030.”  

Danish flag

This is the commitment from Danish Shipping, now confirmed as a supporter for the 2024 edition of the Propulsion & Future Fuels conference, being held from 19 – 21 November in Hamburg, Germany. 

Supporting the Propulsion & Future Fuels conference enables Danish Shipping to offer its members a generous delegate discount for this year’s must-attend event.  

Danish Shipping is a modern interest group representing the interests of Danish shipping companies in various negotiations, an advisor to the government’s delegations and a partner of various international shipping organisations in the EU and globally. It’s the voice of Denmark’s largest export industry and the core of the maritime cluster, Blue Denmark.  

One of Danish Shipping’s six strategic benchmarks for 2022-2024 includes Green shipping – Green energy, which sets new ambitious reduction targets towards 2050 in the final GHG strategy in 2023. It affirms that the new targets should be based on science and in line with the Paris Agreement. The benchmark also increases Danish shipowners’ contribution to global offshore wind capacity and carbon capture projects. 

Full details of the delegate discount can be obtained directly from Danish Shipping or, the Propulsion and Future Fuels events team on +44 (0)1329 825335 or conferences@propulsionconference.com