Learn and network with the SVP of a leading maritime technology enterprise.
Oskar Levander, SVP Business Development, Kongsberg Maritime will presenting on the first day of the Propulsion & Future Fuels conference, where he will be discussing how Kongsberg Maritime are taking efficiency to the next level for large cargo vessels.
This presentation will explore how merchant vessels can comply with the CII regulation in the most cost-efficient manner by implementing energy-saving technologies, such as novel air lubrication and wind propulsion setups, in combination with advanced machinery and propulsion solutions.
Take a look at the conference programme to see all of the other learning opportunities and the confirmed speakers you can meet at the conference.
This year your premium delegate space will include:
- Two conference days, filled with technical presentations.
- Electronic conference downloads, which includes speaker presentations and the conference handbook.
- The opportunity to network with senior decision-makers during 4 coffee breaks and 2 lunches.
- A space for informal discussions during the post-conference drink’s reception.
- Continued discussion and networking opportunities at the conference dinner.
- Real-life application learning on the conference technical visit.
Book your premium delegate space
If you book today, you can save 20% by using the code ‘PFFEARLYPREM’
If you need help you can contact our team +441329 825335. You can also email conferences@propulsionconference.com.