Danish Shipping announces its supports for FuelEU Maritime which came into Force on 1 January. It aims to promote the use of green and low-emission fuels within EU shipping.

Danish Shipping

Danish Shipping, which has been associated with the Propulsion and Future Fuels Conference since 2021, supports the new regulation but highlights the need for global climate regulation of the shipping industry. 

Delegates to the 46th Propulsion and Future Fuel Conference, being held from 25-27 November in Hamburg, will be able to learn more and discuss the impact of the new regulation.  

FuelEU Maritime is part of the EU’s climate legislation package, “Fit for 55.” The new rules aim to significantly reduce CO2 emissions from shipping. The regulation not only seeks to lower the sector’s carbon footprint, but also to create incentives for the development and use of alternative fuels that support a more en­viron­men­tal­ly friendly transition for the entire maritime industry.  

“The EU has ambitious climate goals, which we at Danish Shipping fully support. I am confident that Danish shipping companies are well-prepared for the new EU requirements. Danish shipping companies are already investing heavily in green ships, fuels, and technologies that can reduce fuel consumption and improve energy efficiency,” said Nina Porst, Director of Climate, Environment, and Safety at Danish Shipping. 

She continues “I hope FuelEU Maritime can help drive both the demand for and production of green fuels for shipping. Currently, the lack of green fuels at competitive prices is the biggest challenge for the green transition of shipping. Additionally, it is important to emphasise that while the EU’s regulation of shipping emissions is undoubtedly a step in the right direction towards climate neutrality, it is crucial that EU countries also push for international rules within the IMO, applicable regardless of where ships operate,” said Nina Porst. 

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